
If you have any questions or if you would like to speak with a representative, you can contact us any of the following ways:

We are an authorized Reseller of JBJ Transworld Aquatics products. Please email us if you have warranty issues you need addressed and would like contact info for them.

Phone: Feel free to call us anytime, at 1-314-754-8715.  If we are busy the next best bet is trying an email as we usually have a few people answering these.

Our New Help Desk: In order to help you in the most efficient way possible, we now offer an outstanding Help Desk.

By emailing us, Fastest Method, at, you can ask a question, make a suggestion, or get any kind of help you may need. Once you send an email to that address, your own customer file and ticket number will automatically be generated.  Of course, we're always happy to hear from you by phone if you prefer that method. But using our new help desk will avoid any having to try and call back and it will create a paper trail of your issue, and you will typically get the fastest response.



Jbj Nano Cubes
1805 Scherer Parkway
St. Charles, MO 63376
