
Metal Halide Bulbs Mogul

Sorry, we are out of stock on all of our larger Metal Halide bulbs.

JBJ Metal Halide bulbs come in many colors and wattages.

6500-6700k is generally reserved for freshwater aquariums while 10k white is for fresh or saltwater tanks and 10 k combo, 14k and 20 k are for saltwater tanks.

The Correct Intensity for the Correct Depth Offered in:
• 175 Watt metal halide bulbs for aquariums 18" in depth
• 250 Watt metal halide bulbs or aquariums 30" in depth
• 400 Watt metal halide bulbs for aquariums 48" in depth


250 Watt Metal Halide Bulb


400 Watt Metal Halide Bulb


175 Watt Metal Halide Bulb
